Sunday, June 26, 2011

The list goes on...

A couple of weeks ago I finally finished that penguin for my friend.
I don't know when I'm going to be able to give it to her, so for now it's sitting on my desk. I may end up just mailing it. Until then, I have a few other projects I'll be working on. I'm still working on those hand warmers for my friend, and since my baby cousin turns 2 next week, I'm making her a little stuffed tiger. We're going down to visit them, so I'll get to give to her in person. :D

I also started knitting a shrug for a cosplay I'm putting together. It's of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland; I've already made a pair of handwarmers with some light beige yarn, and the shrug is being made from the same stuff.

Last but not least, I finally found an afghan that I've been working on since last summer. I brought it to school with me and after the fall semester it kind of...vanished. Turns out it had been thrown in with the clothes from my closet, which means I've also found a bunch of shirts that I had been looking for.


Now if only I could find my Pokemon Gold game that has been missing for at least 2 or 3 years...

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