Thursday, October 6, 2011

Narwhal V.2

Here is a second version of my narwhal pattern. I wanted to make my next narwhal a bit more streamlined, and not as balloon-ish. An hour later, this little guy was the end result.

Here's the pattern so you can make your own unicorn of the sea. :)

You'll need:
A size "G" crochet hook
Some yarn in a color of your choice for the body (A)
A little bit of white/beige yarn for the horn (B)
12 mm safety eyes
Yarn needle

Rnd 1: With A, ch 5, join to form ring, place marker. (5)
Rnd 2: [inc] around. (10)
Rnd 3: [inc, sc] around. (15)
Rnd 4: [inc, 2 sc] around. (20)
Rnd 5: [inc, 3 sc] around. (25)
Rnd 6-9: [sc] around. (25)
*Attach safety eyes to front for the face, stuff as you work the rest of the body*
Rnd 10: [dec, 2 sc] 4 times, sc to end. (21)
Rnd 11: [sc] around. (21)
Rnd 12: [dec, sc] 4 times, sc to end. (17)
Rnd 13-16: [sc] around. (17)
Rnd 17: [dec, sc] 5 times. (12)
Rnd 18: press the back flat, and sc along to close it up.
To make the fins:
Ch 1, turn, sc in first 2 chains from hook. Turn, sc in last chain. Ch 1, turn, sc along back. The first back fin is done! Now, turn and sc in next  2 chains from the hook. Slip stitch in the next chain and fasten off! Weave in ends.

To make the horn:
Rnd 1: With B, ch 4, join to form ring, place marker. (4)
Rnd 2: [sc] around. (4)
Rnd 3: [inc] around. (8)
Rnd 4-5: [sc] around. (8)
Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing.

Attach the horn to the center of the narwhal's forehead. And there you go! :D

Monday, June 27, 2011

Finally making some progress!

Well, I'm slowly making progress on my knitted shrug. I have about 10 inches done so far, and I need about 3 feet. The project may have to be put down until I finish my cousin's tiger, not to mention my homework and I can work on it during the six hour car ride down to PA.

And on another note...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The list goes on...

A couple of weeks ago I finally finished that penguin for my friend.
I don't know when I'm going to be able to give it to her, so for now it's sitting on my desk. I may end up just mailing it. Until then, I have a few other projects I'll be working on. I'm still working on those hand warmers for my friend, and since my baby cousin turns 2 next week, I'm making her a little stuffed tiger. We're going down to visit them, so I'll get to give to her in person. :D

I also started knitting a shrug for a cosplay I'm putting together. It's of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland; I've already made a pair of handwarmers with some light beige yarn, and the shrug is being made from the same stuff.

Last but not least, I finally found an afghan that I've been working on since last summer. I brought it to school with me and after the fall semester it kind of...vanished. Turns out it had been thrown in with the clothes from my closet, which means I've also found a bunch of shirts that I had been looking for.


Now if only I could find my Pokemon Gold game that has been missing for at least 2 or 3 years...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Project: Excalibur put on hold

Yep, I'm experiencing some trouble with the Excalibur plushie, so not only am I taking a break from it, I'm going to be starting from scratch when I resume. It's back to the drawing board for that project, and in the meantime I'll be working on a couple of other projects on my list. I started a pair of handwarmers that I'm making for an art trade with a friend. I was originally going to make them green and white, but decided that the colors I had really didn't match the pattern, and instead decided to make them black and teal.

Then, I have a penguin to make for another friend who collects them. That one is long overdue. Of course, this is all based on the assumption that I can get my English homework done in time...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Edgar the Narwhal

Lately I've been finding myself wanting to crochet as many sea critters as I possibly can. As tempting as this is however, I'd have to give away most of them, seeing as how I just don't have the room. I couldn't resist making myself a little stuffed narwhal though, and since this one turned out so well, I thought I'd share the pattern.

Crochet hook size "G"
Yarn in color of your choice (I used Caron Simply Soft color "periwinkle")
A little bit of beige yarn for the horn
A tiny bit of black yarn for the mouth
12 mm safety eyes
Yarn needle

Body and Back fins:
Rnd 1: ch 6, join together to form ring (6)
2: 2 sc in each sc [inc] around (12)
3: *inc, sc in next sc repeat from * around (18)
4: *inc, sc in next 2 sc around (24)
5: *inc, sc in next 3 sc around (30)
6: *inc, sc in next 4 sc around (36)
7: *inc, sc in next 5 sc around (42)
8-13: sc in each sc around (42)
attach safety eyes and embroider mouth, begin stuffing
9: *sc2tog [dec], sc in next 5 sc repeat from * around (36)
10-11: sc around (36)
12: dec, sc in next 4 sc around (30)
13: dec, sc in next 3 sc around (24)
14: sc around (24)
15: dec, sc in next 2 sc around (18)
16-18: sc around
Fasten off.
19: join ends together, join yarn to crochet edge, ch 1, turn
20: sc in each sc along row, ch 1, turn
21: 2 sc in next 3 sc, ch 1, turn
22: sc in each sc back along, turn
23: sc along row, ch 1, turn.
24-25: repeat steps 21-22
26: sc until you reach middle of back fin
Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Rnd 1: ch 4, join together to form a ring (4)
2-3: sc around (4)
4: inc, sc in next sc around (6)
5-7: sc around (6)
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing

Attach horn to top of head.
And there you go! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Pink Bun pattern

This shy little bunny found his way into my purse, where I found him munching on the candy I stash there. He now lives happily on my bookshelf, guarding my manga and Harry Potter books from rabid squirrels. Want to make your own? Here’s the pattern. :)
Legs (make 2)
Rnd 1: ch 6, join to form circle. Place marker. (6)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12)
Rnd 3-7: sc in each sc around. (12)
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing.

Put legs together and whipstitch through 4 stitches.
Rnd 1-10: Join yarn to any st and sc in each sc around.
*Attach safety eyes and embroider nose if desired. Begin stuffing.*
Rnd 11: *dec, sc in next 2 sc. Repeat from * around.
Rnd 12: *dec, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around.
Rnd 13: *sk next st. Repeat from * around.
Fasten off, leave a long tail for sewing hole closed. Weave in ends.

Ears (Make 2)
Rnd 1: ch 4, join to form circle. Place marker. (4)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (8)
Rnd 3-7: sc in each sc around. (8)
Fasten off, leave a tail for sewing.

Flatten ears and sew to top of body. Weave in ends.

It has begun.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So, I started making the Excalibur plushie. I actually finished the head the other day, and now I'm working on the body.