Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coming to a close

Well, the school year is coming to a close and as we're nearing the final days of class, I just have one thing to say.

Curse you organic chemistry. Just...curse you. D:

Although maybe I should be thanking you for providing that final push I needed to FINALLY change my major to English and (maybe) pursue a career in technical writing. I know my true skills (if any) lie in creative writing, but for now I should focus on a more professional route. I can always focus on my creative writing in my spare time.
I'll also try and keep this blog going, so anyone who's following this can watch me fail at keeping up with my various projects and ideas. The next time you hear from me I'll either be stressed out of my mind over finals, or trying to escape from the summer heat with two cats smothering me.

Until next time blogger! :D

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